Our Services – Empowering Businesses with
Innovative Solutions

From Software Development To Digital Transformation, We’re Here To Drive Your Success.

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With a decade of experience, Agitech leads enterprises through digital transformations. Managing software projects across industries, we analyze business operations for optimization opportunities. We do not only recommend solutions but we also implement them, translating strategic insights into tangible business improvements.


Project Management

we specialize in project management for digital transformations. From planning to delivery, we ensure projects are on time, within budget, and exceed expectations. Our methodical approach and adherence to best practices guarantee success.

Project Management


In the digital era, we optimize progress by leveraging proven solutions like Odoo and other Saas. By implementing established ERP and SaaS platforms, we enable faster scaling and enhance your digital maintainability, ensuring a solid, scalable foundation for your business.



When standard solutions fall short, We get very technical too. Some projects require tailor made developments to increase company performances : API development, data engineering, dashboard creation, module customization have no secrets for us.


A Transparent Way Of Working


We Analyze Your Requirements

We understand your business, your processes and what needs to be improved. We handover a structured document, listing every possible added values an enterprise software can provide to your company.


Standard Vs Custom

Based on your business needs we will see how  Odoo and/ or HubSpot can meet your requirements. To the extent possible we use a standard solution to avoid unnecessary and costly developments. We may also integrate Odoo and/ or HubSpot to your existing platforms or make custom developments to fully cover your needs.


Project Delivery

We implement your software and meet your requirements until satisfaction within budget and deadlines. Our “Agile” methodology ensure we work quickly and efficiently.

Let’s discuss about your requirement over a coffee

Let’s Connect

Financial Aid For
Digital Transformation

In Belgium clients may benefit from aid from the Region to sustain their digital transformation project. Our company is an official labelled provider for those aids for companies headquartered in Brussels , Wallonia and Flemish Region.

Those aids may cover up to 50% of the  project fees  for specific services (such as business analysis, requirement lists and sometimes implementation) depending on several criteria.

You may consult the following website for the Brussels Region,  the Walloon Region and the Flemish Region to check  whether your company is eligible.


In France we have the CII (crédit d’impôt à l’innovation) agrément. The innovation tax credit is a tax measure reserved for SMEs. The latter can benefit from a tax credit of 20-30% of the expenses necessary for the design of prototypes or pilot installations of new products.

We always help our clients succeed with their application, please note however that financial aid is never guaranteed and is subject to the approval of the administration of each Region.

Finally a financial aid application will often delay the start date of a project since no quotation nor advance payments may be done before the approval of the Administration. We therefore advise our clients to start their application as soon as possible.